Community Entry and Integration Assignment
Jamie Frits
Description of the Center “Pentru Tine”- The Purpose
Distractive Activities and Recreation
1. Mobile games and teams
2. Soccer
3. Basketball
4. Volleyball
5. Relay Races
6. Ping Pong
7. Badminton.
8. Frisbee.
Activity Information.
- Activities on the computer
- Meditation
- School Work
- Round table dispute
- Contests, Quizzes
- Editing the magazine “Your chance.”
Community Activities: Intellectual and Emotional
1. Picture
2. Drawing
3. Application
4. Popular Dance
5. Puppet Theater
6. Pantomime
7. Karaoke.
8. Cartoons
9. Film for adolescents
10. Photovoice.
Professional Orientation
1. Cooking in small circle
2. Crocheting
3. Knitting
4. Embrodiery
5. Modeling of different crafts
6. Gypsum works and dough
Training for organizers, volunteers and specialists
1. Play Scheme ( Once a year)
Mission Statement
The mission statement is not written any where in the center it is only in a document labeled Plan Project. However it was recognized that all people who work in the center know the mission statement, and can speak it with out looking into the documents. My partner also expressed that she believes everyone follows and respects this mission statement.
Qualities and skills development of children and young people with the need to effectively integrate and adapt into a changing dynamic society.
Promoting social inclusion and equal opportunities.
Staff and Responsibities
Valeria Macovei- Partner at the center- sports (soccer, basketball), activities on the computer, painting, karaoke, film for adults, crochet, sewing, and making bracelets.
Zina Balmus- Works in the kitchen and makes food for all the children every day after school. Will also help the children with demonstrations on how to make food and provides them with information on what is in certain foods.
Raisa Ivanov- Executive Direction of the center. She responds to all the documents that need to be handled, along with the funding requirements and obiligations for the center.
Alexandra Danaila- To help the children with their homework. Also helps with meditation. On occasion she will help with reading books from the library. Along with other activities such as dance, theater, and helps to make clay activities.
Gallina Bostan- Art, reading, helps the children with their homework, pantomime, and sport activities.
Dana Danaila- Helps where is needed.
Ana Bordea- Helps where is needed.
Simon Marin- Helps with sports, but is not in the center very often, he only helps out when he is back at home for the weekend. I have never met him before, but it was recognized he helps out a lot in the summer.
4. Partners
- Body Shop
- They are located Europe, they are a cosmetic shop. However wants to help other people, and helps to collect and give away money for children.
- Center De Zi Speranta
- Center for children with disabilities. The director is Lucia Gavreliza.
- Children on the Edge
- Organization that is located in Europe. Organization for the government for children of all types. Located in Anglia, Britain.
- Liceul Teoretic(School in Iargara)
- Domna Raisa is the director of the school and the executive director of the center, and helps out where is needed with documents and money.
***The Body Shop, Center De Zi Speranta, and Children on the Edge all work together as one unit to provide money for different centers.**
Lucia Gavrilita (President)- Argyroula Ramaki (Founder)- Nicolae Cicoan (Worked in Speranta)- Raisa Ivanoa (Director of School and Executive Director of Center)- Alexandra Danaila (Professor in Iargara)
How did they decided on this center-
They all work together, and they look at a variety of aspect to decide to get the money. It all depends on how many children, the need and so forth. However the actuality on why the center in Iargara is very unclear. The information that I was able to collect was from Exectuive Director Raisa Ivanoa and she was very unclear on this. She stated that she saw a need in the community and when she was already connected with the other founders and she decided to mention it to them. And before time the center was developed.
Long term outlook-
In 2008 was when “Pentru Tine,” was developed. With the three partners decided to join in this center was the beginning of a great few years for this center. However the commitment for money was only for 4 years. The money will run out in March 2012.
It was said by the executive direction that if they aren’t able to get further funding that the center would be closing in March 2012. At this point there are no leads for further funding, however she is hoping that her current partners will renew their contracts.
6.Where do you see your role within the organization?
- At this point it’s very difficult for me to see where my role will be in this organization. My partner and the director have not had time to sit down with me and talk about plans for the future, and how I can assist them in the areas of need. My center was on vacation from August 25th- September 15th. And my partner started her vacation on the 22nd of August. Therefore there has been a little amount of communication with the people who work at the center. In the few short weeks that I have been able to work, I was able to accumulate the information that is provided on this document.
- My hope is that I will be able to assist in the areas of alcohol and drug abuse, and being able to provide knowledge to the center on how to work with children who are in socially vulnerable homes. There is a need in the center due to the poverty, along with the troublesome homes that these children come from. Yet my experience is the few times I have tried to provide such information on behavior, I have been rejected and pushed away, as if I don’t know anything.
- The activities that I have assisted with thus far are all related to sports activities and just being around the children. At this time I am not sure what the center provides to children when they are in a difficult emotional state.
- My objective is this center is a place for children to come after school to stay out of trouble, and not have to go home to an empty house. It has been recognized that in the past the children were getting involved into troublesome areas, because of the lack of supervision and lack of after school activities that were healthy and productive.
- During my first few weeks at my center I addressed the areas of need that were acknowledged at the partner conference, and to my surprise my partner had let me know that they did not need help in those areas, and their main concern at this time was finding money for the center. It was said that in March 2012 the center would be out of grant money, and the center would close. At this time they wanted me to find money for them, and be able to provide information on grants. I let them know I had no experience in this area, but I would try. However it is almost impossible for me to complete this task with out help, and I have not been able to get any where. The director expressed that she would make phone calls with me and try to find out information, however that was over 4 weeks ago, and nothing has been done and no effort for help has been acknowledged.
- Overall, I believe it will take several more months for me to be able to require a solid foundation of knowledge on how I can help this center. It will take effective communication and the willingness to work on all parties, along with all parties being flexible and finding time to have such discussions. I can truly say I don’t believe this is a priority of theirs at this moment.
Community Integration
1. Religion (Christian Orthodox)
- Two churches (One for Sundays which is under construction and one for Saturdays)
2. Age
- Children- 1-18
- Adults- 19-29 in University or in the City for work.
- Adults- 30-67
- Normal death age- 60
3. Ethnicity
- Caucasian
- Nationality: Bulgaria, Gagauzi, Russian, Ukraine, Romanian, Cazahi, Belarus, Romi (Tigani)
- Areas in Iargara
Health Center
- Heart problems- its transmitted with genetics
- Tubercolosis- from the water and from dirty money
- Bronchitis- Drink from same cup, and not good health practice
- AIDS- Sexually
- Hepatitis A,B,C
- Gastritis- From oil, and eating small amounts of food.
- Stomach, liver, lung and Kidney problems- water, air, smoking, alcohol
- Dental- smoking, alcohol, and no proper care for teeth
- Eyes- Cataracts, and people do not have money for care.
- Herniated Disc- From very heavy objects or sitting in a car for long period of time.
- Cancer- Pulmonary, Genital, Organ, Leukemia
** Many people have these problems for long periods of time, and transfer them because they don’t go to the hospital for proper health care due to financial problems. It is more likely they will use home remedies instead.**
Police Station
- There is a number of criminal and sexual offenders in my community.
- There is also a small number of murders in the community that have paid of their debt with the police to stay out of prison.
- There is a decent problem in the village for theft, the people in the village who don’t work will usually steal things, and turn around and sell it to others so they can make food for themselves.
Leaders in the Community
- Mayor (Claudia Ivanov)
- School Director (Raisa Ivanoa)
Respected Community Members
- Vera Belecci (Director of Elevator)
- Valentina Toolerici- Very popular, and crochets for many children and does not ask for money.
- Sergio Jurcov (Director of Cultural House)
- Andrei Sestacovschi- owner of two magazines
- Mihov Galina- owner of three magazines
- Ivanov Claudia- owner of three magazines
- Magla Serghei- owner of one magazine.
- Saulenco Nadejola- owner of one magazine
- Vesteman Tatiana- owner of one magazine
- Botez Serghei- owner of one magazine
- Panchev Liola- owner of one magazine
- Cernenchi Iacov- owner of one magazine
Organizations in the Community
- NGO- none
- School (Romanian and Russian)
- Hospital
- Kindergarden(2)
- Mayors Office
- Winery
- Police Office
- Pharmacy
- Post Office
- Elevator(Corn, Wheat, Sun Flowers)
- Shops(20)
- Train Station
- Piazza on Sundays
- Window Manufacturing
- Cultural Center
- Library for Adults and Children
- Club
- Bar(2)
- Meat Producer
Main Income Sources:
- Agriculture- Farming
- Elevator
- Winery
- Forest
**Many people work in the fields, along with the three businesses indicated above**
Seasons change
- People work a lot during this period with the need of picking their crops, and the majority of this is done by hand or tractor.
- Average work hours during this time 6am-8pm.
- For the people who are not working in the fields it’s normal to work around seven hours.
- People make any changes to their tractors and such during this time.
- Very little amount of people work during this time due to the cold tempatures and little to no heating systems in the work buildings.
- People who work in the stores, hospital, etc, work during this time and will work their normal seven hours day.
- During this time people are busy planting crops.
- Many people are on vacation.
- On another side note: if the person works in a institution they usually have a salary and will get paid time off. If they don’t have a salary people will help others with their crops, or find side work to do for money during this time.
Cultural Adaptation and Home Stay
Gender Roles:
Men: Dominant, powerful and hardworking. However when it comes to work in the house, men are the first people that will walk away from the job. They don’t clean up any of their messes or do any of the cooking They rely on women to do all that type of work for them. I have also recognized that the majority of days men are usually drinking from early in the morning until late evening, and are drunk many days of the week.
For as how they treat others, I can only say my experience as an American young woman. I would say they are very forceful, and say whatever comes to their mind. They don’t have any reservations on what they think or feel, if they want something they go for it, even if it’s inappropriate.
Women: Hardworking and loud. These are the two words that I really believe can sum up woman in my village or in Moldova. All day women are working either in the house, cooking, working outside, in the fields, or at their regular jobs. It is required of women to get everything done for the day, while also working a full time job. I believe most women get up quite early in the morning, and then work tell late in the evening with their daily tasks.
With the idea of being loud, the way women express themselves to men or other women, its in a way as if they were yelling at one another. This is one of the hardest things I have had to adjust to.
Youth: There is a big difference with females and males in the youth spectrum. The girls will participate in as much work as their mothers, and often take on that role when their mothers are out of the home. For instance my host sister can cook, clean, take care of all the animals and do outside work with the crops and she is only 15 years old.
My host brother is another story, he will do outside work with the crops, and a few other around the house tasks, but he is just like the men in the house and he would never clean, do laundry, wash dishes or cook.
Respect: I have noticed a lot of respect with the youth and the adults in my community. When I work in the school the children will always stand when an adult enters the room, and will always address them with respect. In the center I work at it is the same way, and the children are very courteous and thoughtful of the adults.
Signs of disrespect: With youth its the normality of talking about each other behind each others backs, fighting, and thinking others are below them because of poverty reasons.
Losing respect: I believe how people have lost respect in my community is by not having money, doing drugs, having disabilities, or being a criminal and committing crimes against others.
Public Meetings, Cultural, Religious Events:
- Attended a school meeting for children, parents and teachers before school had started to address the needs of the community, and to make a more efficient school environment, while also seeing the differences in thinking patterns between the three groups.
- Moldovan Day
- Baby Shower
- Rise Boot Drop
- Four birthday events (Host Dad, Host Sister, Partner, and Host Dad’s Sister in another village)
- First day of school
- Danced the Hora
Tutor: Ina Porubin
- We have been working together at least one to two times a week for Romanian lessons.
- The fortunate part of Ina being my tutor is she was my Language Instructor during Pre-Service Training.
Local Market Prices and Seasons Change:
Winter time:
- carrots, cabbage, onions and meat.
- In the winter time most fruits and vegetables are available in the stores and not in the piazza.
- These fruits and vegetables are available in stores: banana, tomatoes, cucumbers, kiwi, watermelon, orange, berries.
- Prices go up quite a bit in the winter time. An example with tomatoes- in the summer time they are 14 lei per kilogram, and in the winter time they are 22 lei per kilogram.
Summer time:
- Meat(chicken, pork, beef), cheese, vegetables, fruits, wheat, corn, cereal, milk, eggs, mere, clothes, sour cream, Tvorog, c
- Clothes, shoes, slippers, sandles, electronics, rugs, furniture,
Family Tree (Host Family):
- Above is a link I created of my current host family and their family tree.
- I have not meet most of these people, only a few of them. They do not come visit, the only time I have met anyone is when we go to visit them in other villages.
- I have not sat down and actually revised the contract with my host family. This is planned for when I return to the home after Phase III. The reasoning for this is I was very sick and was not able to eat with my host family so we had to come to compromise about the money situation.
- I can calculate all my expenses and I have done so. I will be paying on average 2100 lei per month to my host family.
- Good heart
- Driven
- Hardworking
- Smart and applies oneself
- Caring
- Ability to listen to others thoughts and feelings
- Ready for change
- Willingness to work together
- Respect
- Learning about the alcoholism and drug abuse in Moldova
- Understanding the needs of my center
- Teach my partner about treatment planning and effectively evaluating children’s needs, along with the idea of confidenality.
- Spead peace and friendship to my community and give them a better understanding of who I am as an American.
- Fight the compelling thoughts of thinking that Americans are lazy, and worthless.
- Start and be successful at an English and debate club.
** I don’t believe people can have the same aspirations as each other, however to find a person that has the same values as me is another story. To do this I believe the people will come to you, because they will see what you are doing in the community and are will to discuss with you, give you a chance and take a step forward in recognizing your wants and needs. I believe my partner can be one of these people, she has a very kind heart, and is a very driven young woman.
- Participating in 12 hours of tutoring per month that is allowed by Peace Corps.
- I set personal goals for myself to practice on my struggling areas.
- Talking daily with my host family and partner in Romanian to practice and keep the words stuck in head.
- Interacting with children in my center and talking with them in Romanian to practice on speed.
- Learning slang that is used by other languages to understand simplicity.
- My health has not been the best since I have arrived in my village. I have went to the doctor on three different occasions. Had trouble with my gal bladder, Giarida, and a number of other things.
- I have been on medication for around two months now to try and subside everything.
- To keep myself healthy I make sure to wash all my fruits and vegetables in my distilled water.
- I distill water twice a week for a total of eight liters of water. On top of distilling I filter my water again, and it’s always reboiled when I have coffee.
- I don’t eat anything that Peace Corps tells me not to, and I am very strict with my host mother about a good healthy diet.
- Oil is not allowed in my foods, and if it is necessary then I place the oil myself and its only is small portions.
- Being a huge advocate for myself, for instance letting my host mother that washing the dishes with soap is a must. I have now gotten to the point of washing everything myself, so I know its clean and soap has been used.
- Adjusting to a new community and people.
- Being and outcast and criticized.
- Learning a new language.
- Being on every ones radar and talked about.
- Rumors in the village causing problems in my host family.
- Struggles with my hosts families way of living and being yelled at.
- Not working in my center for over a month and when I am working there my director is to busy to visit the center to get any work accomplished.
- Being treated like a child that doesn’t know anything, and also being underminded.
- Being depressed on the lack of work and effectiveness in my community
Overcoming Challenges(Going in order from challenges)
- Talking with everyone and being respectful when I cross paths with people. Also every time I go into a store I make sure to tell them good afternoon and talk to them about their day. Also with my center I am very interactive with everyone that works there, along with the children. I have been complimented by many people in my center and in my village on being so talkative with others and they respect that.
- I tried to ignore when people talk about me, but I have now taking the iniative to talk with people about how it makes me feel when they criticize me and how that’s not respectful.
- Practicing Romanian is very important to me, and I have been trying very hard to get it down perfect. Using my tutor is a huge success.
- I try not to do anything that will draw attention to myself, I go and do my job, interact with people, and not allow the small things bother me, and if they do I talk with my friends and family about it.
- With the rumors in my host family I literally had to sit down and have a three hours conversation with my host mom explaining to her the importance of talking to me first when she hears rumors, and how important it is that she doesn’t talk about me. I need to be treated the same in the family.
- When I was being yelled at by my host mom for a variety of reasons, one was because I wasn’t walking fast enough for her. I explained to her that it wasn’t my fault she was late, and I don’t want to be yelled at. I am very vocal about my needs as a human being.
- When my center was on vacation, I tried to interact in my community as much as I could. Which wasn’t hard because many kids were back home on vacation. I hung out with many of them along with my host sister, she would take me to the lake and the local disco. Finally when school started on September 1st, it gave me something to do for 15 days while I was waiting for the center to open. I was able to observe English classes and get ideas on how to start my English clubs and what would be beneficial.
- Being treated like a child has been very difficult to overcome. Really I haven’t figured this one out quite yet and I am not sure I really ever will.
- The lack of work and the effectiveness really bothers me. I try to keep myself busy but I am not very motivated at this point until I see some of my partners wanting to get some work done. Its impossible to do it on my own. This also will take much time to conquer.
- Advances in Romanian
- Relationships Developed
- Understanding my family and their culture
- Cooking with my host family and being successful
- Knowing my village and how to get around
- Having a daily conversation with my partner at the center
- Seeing a child smile when they are around me
- My host sister telling me how much she admires me
- Kids at the school asking about me when I am not around and how they wish I was there
- 5th grade class begging me to watch them dance
- Getting invited over to other peoples houses for dinner
- Simply making it another day in Moldova
- Alcohol and Drug Related Problems
- Socially vulnerable difficulties
- Treatment Planning
- Groups: Domestic Violence, Self-Esteem
- Surveys-Sociological
Skills Needed:
- Grant writing
- Accounting
- Assessing needs of community
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